Houston Solar Farm

Planning Documents

Planning documents will be uploaded as the project progresses.

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Agricultural Land Classification F01 - July 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Battery Storage Unit Sections

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility BESS PCS Unit Sections

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Fence & CCTV Detail

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Flood Risk Assessment - June 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Glint & Glare Study - August 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Habitats Regulations Assessment - August 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Heritage Assessment F01 - June 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Inverter Sections

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Landscape Mitigation Plan Rev D

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility LVIA F03 Part 1 - July 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility LVIA F03 Part 1 - July 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility LVIA F03 Part 3 - July 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Noise Impact Assessment - September 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility PAC Report F01 - June 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Panel Sections

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Planning Support Statement F01

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility S36 Application Cover Letter F01 - Sept 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Site Context Plan

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Site Layout Plan

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Site Location Plan

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Site Storage Container Sections

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Transport Statement F01 - July 2023

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Typical 33kv Switchgear DNOCustomer Elevations

Houston Solar PV & Energy Storage Facility Typical 75x75 Compound Detail